executor.ini file hidden settings
Following is a list of settings not available in Executor's user interface, but can be found in executor's ini file. These have been left out because they are either too nerdy, experimental or minor...
Note: Remember when editing the executor.ini file be sure to have Executor closed because it saves the ini file now and then (if adding new keywords etc) and when Executor is closed down. Also it first load the changes you made to the ini file when you start it up again.
- failcolor - The color the text input will turn into when failing... color value is an integer value of the tcolor type in delphi..
- separator - The character(s) that will separate commands and input.. Default is ||
- simplebrowser - If enabled Executor will handle urls differently (like windows run).. 0=false 1=true (default=0).
- dontsetdefaultdir - When executing a file with a complete path, or executing a keyword with no "Start in" (working folder) defined, Executor will automatically set "start in" (working folder) to the folder of the file/program. If this option is enabled, Executor will not do this. 0=false 1=true (default=0).
- simplearrownav - If enabled pressing the left or right arrow key will just navigate the downdown/list instead of selecting the item. 0=false 1=true (default=0).
- minimizeonbutton - If disabled Executor will really close when it's "close" button is clicked and not just minimize. (requires the show windowframe option to see button at all). 0=false 1=true (default=0).
- customtime - With this you can design your own timeformat if you're not happy with the timeformat that the "time" keyword returns. The syntax for this can be found here (example: hh:nn dd/mm/yy). If empty default timeformat will be used.
- fastesc - If enabled pressing the "esc" key once will hide Executor if autohide is enabled, no matter what text is in the input field. 0=false 1=true (default=0).
- borderstyle - 0 (default) = Executor and list will have rounded border, 1 = square border.
- specialsolo - If set to 1 $APPS$ and $RECENT$ will be shown isolated (default). If set to 0 they will be shown along with other matching items.
- notrailingspace - If enabled Executor will never append a space character to the input (will override smart keyword param. detection).
- importurlfast - If this is set to 1 then Executor will import keywords from internet immediately (sync and not default async). The risk is that Executor might hang up to 60sec if there's trouble reaching the specified import url.
- clipautopaste - If enabled (clipautopaste=1) this will also paste to the current window when selecting a clipboard item in Executor. Disabled be default.
- refreshindex - When executor has been idle it checks how long it has been idle when brought back to focus, normally if it has been idle for longer than two minutes it will refresh index (unless set to only refresh at startup, or indexing is disabled). with refreshindex setting you can set something else than the default 2 minutes. refreshindex does not support decimals.
- defaultenter - This to 0 will disable the feature that pressing enter when nothing has been auto-completed/suggested in the text input will launch first item in list.
- indexidle - with this setting you can change the default 15 minutes of idle. Will only have an effect if your using one of the "Auto index" idle modes.
- calcchar - with this you can change the default calculator prefix character "#" to something else.
- hookwinz - this will steal back WIN-Z as Executor hotkey (Windows 8 reserved this key). Set this to 1 to enable and 0 to disable (0 default) (example hookwinz=1). Note requires at least version
- commandslast - set this to 1 if you want commands to appear last in list instead of first (when input text starts with "-" and list is used etc).
- indexextraitems - default value: indexextraitems=rfControlPanel,rfPersonal,rfCommonAdminTools,rfDesktop .. Besides start-menu Executor also index other items when indexing is enabled. With this setting you can choose to remove some of these items. rfControlPanel = control panel items, rfPersonal = the top folders (and only folders not files) in your user profile (c:\users\username), rfCommonAdminTools = admin tools like computer management, rfDesktop = desktop items but only links (.lnk files). Items should be comma seperated (look at default value for format example).
- openmode - this determines how Executor opens applications etc. 1 = new mode (default), 0 = legacy mode. This was changed in v1.0.1 sep2020, in case you have any problems open Applications after installing this, you can set this to 0 for legacy mode
- listinherittransparency - If the list window should inherit the transparency of the main window.. 0=false 1=true (default=1).
- listnetworkicons - Always try to resolve list icons from network paths.. This is by default false to avoid Executor hanging initially (no text input) if trying to get an icon from a network path (from history or keyword) that is currently not available. 0=false 1=true (default=0).
- listfontname - Use a custom font for the list (this font is normally inherited from text input field).
- listfontsize - Use a custom font size in the list (normally a font size of 8).
- listrowheight - Use a custom height of each row in the list (normally 17 pixels).
- dropdownfontname - Use a custom font for the drop down (this font is normally inherited from text input field).
- dropdownfontsize - Use a custom font size in the drop down (normally a font size of 8).
- infoenabled - If enabled Executor can show some information when it does not have focus. 0=false 1=true (default=0) (requires autohide is disabled and stay-on-top should probably be enabled).
- infoonfocus - If enabled Executor can show some information when it gains focus, this information is cleared as soon as a key is pressed. 0=false 1=true (default=0).
- infotextcolor - The color of the info text.
- infobgcolor - The background color of the infotext window.
- infofontname - The font of the info text, if none specified the default text input font will be used.
- infofontsize - The font size of the info text.
- infosyntax - Info text syntax.. Following values supported: $dd$=short-datetime $ddd$=datetime $ct$=a custom time format $mpct$=memoryused% $mfree$=memory-free $mused$=memoryusedMB $mtotal$=memorytotalMB $wnum$=weeknumber $ip$ machine IP address or list of ip's if more than one $ip1$ only one IP address.
- infocustomtime - With this you can design your own timeformat (for use with $ct$ in infosyntax). The syntax for this can be found here (example: hh:nn dd/mm/yy).