v1.0.11 (09-jan-23)
- Added in "Settings - Visual / skin" two buttons to set the color of the title text in the main window and in the list window. This makes it easier to load a skin and change the main text colors of the skin without having to fiddle with the skin file. Click here to see example of this.. Also a new skin can found here on the forum.
- Updated the start/settings wizard to use more modern skins.
- Fixed in "Settings - Visual / skin" the "Save visual settings as skin" feature did not really support "alpha" skins. Also fixed and improved various small things in this functionality as well.
v1.0.10 (03-jan-23)
- Added a new skin "alpha_large". It's layout is a bit different and only compatible with Executor 1.0.10+ click here to see example of skin. Will probably do some more fancy skins later (when in a creative mood) using this new format.
- Added new skin property "icondefault" which can define an icon that will be shown per default when no input match (or input). This can only be used with alpha mode skins.
- Added new skin properties "listlargeiconpaddingleft" and "listlargeiconpaddingright" which allows to define left and right padding to the large icons in the list window.
v1.0.9 (20-dec-22)
- Improved for the clipboard functionality some retry logic to improve corner case where other Apps functionality puts a global lock on the clipboard, which can result in text not being captured.
- Improved a case where some Windows system commands requiring UAC/Admin access would still have the UAC/Admin prompt flashing in taskbar and not on screen.
- Added a new keyword "password" that can generate passwords. The keyword can be imported from "extras.exc". Default is a password with a length of 16 characters and always contains at least one number, one uppercase character, one lowercase character and one special character. It also supports two parameters, which are length and the parameter "no". "no" will specify that no special characters should be included. Example "password 20 no" will generate a password of 20 characters with no special characters. The keyword is powered by the special command $PASSWORD$ in case you want to create your own keyword etc.
v1.0.8 (15-jun-22)
- Added calculations and the result of the calculation can now be added to history. This is disabled by default, but can be enabled in Settings -> Misc -> Calculator -> "Add calculation to history". The reason it's disabled per default is the security concern that calculations can be sensitive data. So it would not be good practise to add these to history without the users knowledge.
v1.0.7 (09-apr-22)
- Added internal commands: -?, -h, -help that will open the help section.
- Internal recompiled using latest compiler. Latest compiler has some bug fixes and improvements.
- Fixed bug with $NOTES$ command and using parameters that cointained space character(s), causing the space characters to be removed from the note entry.
- Fixed minor visual issue for Windows 11 with settings window.
v1.0.6 (26-apr-21)
- Fixed bug where if selection a keyword icon from a dll or icl file and selecting first icon (index=0) this would have no effect.
v1.0.5 (21-mar-21)
- Fixed bug where with certain settings the exclude list was not respected for the input auto-complete.
v1.0.4 (24-feb-21)
- Improved logic for the UWP Apps indexer in order for it to perform better and do less IO operations.
- Added special command $FLUSHUWP$ this will force a full reindexing of UWP Apps and write number of items found. It's mostly for debugging (you have to create a keyword and insert the command into the keywords command if you want to try it out).
v1.0.3 (23-feb-21)
- Added the option "Also try index UWP Apps" to "Setting" - "Indexing & cache". This will try to index UWP Apps as well if indexing is enabled. UWP Apps are mostly those "new" built-in Windows Apps that look like they were made for small children, in order to be tablet/touchscreen friendly etc. A prerequisite for this is you're running the bit version of Executor that match the bit version of the operating system. For example if you're running Windows 10 64bit, you also need to run the 64bit version of Executor in order for the indexer to pick up these UWP Apps. Also on Windows versions older than Windows 10 this might not work (UWP Apps will then just not be indexed). Certain user security restrictions might also prevent the indexing. The option is on by default. The UWP Apps are the last items that the Executor indexer will scan, so you might need a bit of patience the first time (but they will be cached etc. if you have cache options enabled).
- Fixed bug with all the $GRAB...$ related commands with text being corrupted.
v1.0.2 (07-feb-21)
- Added "Auto import of keywords" now also support a filepath (and not only a url).
- Added some new keywords for mouse manipulation etc. The idea for these are you can for example after launching an application set the mouse to some specific desktop screen location, automatically click some screen position (for example dismiss some annoying mandatory splash screen). This can then be done by for example having one keyword call two keywords, one for launching and one for mouse minipulation (look in docs how to do this). I created some default keywords for this that can be imported from the "extras.exc" located in Executors program folder. The keywords are the following: "setmousepos" this will set the mouse position at a given x,y position on the desktop. "getmousepos" get the current x,y position of the mouse cursor. "mouseclick" do a left mouse click at (x,y) screen position. "mouserightclick" do a right mouse click at (x,y) screen position. "getmouseposcolor" Get RGB color code at mouse cursor position (no param) or x,y position (I need this functionality at work sometimes...).
- Added internal special commands powering the above keywords: $GETMOUSEPOS$, $SETMOUSEPOS$, $MOUSECLICK$, $MOUSELEFTCLICK$, $MOUSERIGHTCLICK$, $GETMOUSEPOSCOLOR$ these can also be found in the documentation/help section.
- Change Signed installer (ExecutorSetup.exe) with a code signing certificate (Publisher: Martin Bresson). As I'm an individual and not a company this is an OV code signing certificate (and not a auto trusted expensive EV company certificate). So it has to build trust from Microsoft SmartScreen and Chrome etc. So you might get some warnings on installing before the certificate has gained enough trust from number of installs.
v1.0.1 (06-sep-20)
- Change Changed the way Executor open applications. This should fix that sometimes applications start up minimized blinking in the taskbar (especially if a UAC confirmation is required). This is a big change, in case you have any problems with this, the behavior can be reverted in Executors .ini file by setting "openmode=0" instead of "openmode=1".
v1.0.0 (12-july-19)
- Added option to launch input text in browser when there are no valid matches (keywords, indexed items, history etc). This setting is found in "Settings - Misc" at the top called "If pressing enter and input is not something valid then...". This can also still be set to launch first item in list (default). Power users can change the default search keyword used in executor.ini named "fastsearch" (type "-edit" to open executor.ini).
- Change removed beta tag! (been in beta since 2007), and bumped version to 1.0.0.
- Fixed tab order in "Settings - Misc".
v0.99.32b (17-jan-19)
- Added exclude list setting. This can hide items from list and/or input auto-complete. Found under "Settings - Misc".
- Added pressing "esc" key in Notes hides the Notes window.
- Added hidden setting in Executor.ini named "indexextraitems". With this you can remove some of the additional indexing, beside start-menu, that Executor does when indexing is enabled. For example the control panel items, admin tools and short-cuts from desktop etc. See hidden settings documentation for more info.
v0.99.31b (12-jan-19)
- Added option to specify another location for Notes (found in Settings - Notes). When changing location several options of how to migrate to the new location will be presented.
- Added option to monitor Notes for external changes to file (found in Settings - Notes).
- Added list of clipboard will now show the date and time of each clipboard item.
- Added option to save clipboard to disk for X amount of hours. So if Executor is closed, clipboard items are not lost in Executor. This is found under "settings - misc". This is disabled by default. Be aware that the saved clipboard entries are not protected on disk, but only obfuscated to not be readable clear text.
- Added a button in "Settings - Misc" to clear Executor's clipboard items.
- Added $CLEARCLIPBOARD$, setting this as a command of a keyword will clear Executor's clipboard items.
v0.99.30b (08-jan-19)
- Added more Notes settings: fontname, fontsize, fontcharset, font color, background color, remember window size and position. There's a new settings tab called "Notes" where these can be found.
- Added "stay on top" option in Notes.
- Added if automatic backup is enabled notes.txt will also be backed up to notes.txt.bak (Also added some logic to avoid backing up some accidently empty notes over existing backup file).
- Fixed a bug that could position Executor window incorrectly when running alphaskins.
v0.99.29b (06-jan-19)
- Added Notes which is a small notepad for quick notes etc. It's saved as notes.txt in executors data folder.
- Added -n will open notes. -n also supports parameter text to add notes quickly. Example -n remember milk.
- Added a new default keyword "notes" it works just like "-n", you can of course decide to add a hotkey to this (existing users can import this keyword from standard.exc) The new keyword is using the keyword command $NOTES$.
- Added notes to right-click context menu of Executor.
- Added $CLIPBOARDTONOTES$, setting this as a command of a keyword will copy current clipboard item to notes.
- Added $ALLCLIPBOARDTONOTES$, setting this as a command of a keyword will copy all clipboard items that Executor have currently picked up to notes.
- Added $COPYTONOTES$, setting this as a command of a keyword will trigger a text copy to clipboard and then copy this to notes. This is only useful if assigning a hotkey to the keyword as well. So you can highlight some text somewhere (like a browser), press the hotkey and then the highlighted text will be copied to notes.
- Added setting "When adding to notes add to bottom instead of top." this is found under "Misc" settings.
- Added a list of the internal commands will be displayed in list when starting input with "-".
- Added hidden setting "commandslast" this can be set to 1 in executor.ini, if you want commands to appear last in list instead of first.
- Added Input title context will now also detect internal commands (like -a, -add, -edit etc) and show title of these (help text).
v0.99.28b (01-jan-19)
- Added option "Launch list items by pressing it's number unsing nemeric keys". This can be found in "Settings - Drop down / list".
- Added option "Show numbers in list (1-9)". This can be found in "Settings - Drop down / list".
- Added when no executor.ini is found, but a backup is found, then there's an option to restore backup.
- Changed that -folder, -f, -exefolder, -ef, -report and $DATAFOLDER$ also supports optional file explorer option.
v0.99.27b (10-nov-18)
- Added command called "-report" that will generate a file called "executor-report.txt" in Executors datafolder. This report can help track down bugs and problems more easily.
- Added command "-folder" or "-f" which will open folder where appdata is located like executor.ini.
- Added command "-exefolder" or "-ef" which will open folder where executor.exe is located.
- Added option "More info" to right-click context menu of "apps" keyword. "More info" will provide process id and filename of the selected app.
- Added Added that $SENDTEXT$ now supports $TIME$, $SHOWIP$, $PASTE1$, $PASTE2$, $PASTE3$, $PASTE4$ in parameter section of keyword, to support injecting time, ip and clipboard items.
- Added support for $PASTE1$ (mostly useful for $SENDTEXT$).
- Fixed problem where under certain settings and "-add" command would result in an access violation error.
- Fixed visual glitch that sometimes an unnecessary horizontal scrollbar would appear in list of keywords in the keywords editor.
v0.99.26b (06-nov-18)
- Fixed problem with displaying settings/keyword window if using Classic Windows theme (Win7).
- Fixed possible access violations when typing input (and having certain settings enabled).
v0.99.25b (31-oct-18)
- Added more safeguard code when creating settings/keywords window.
v0.99.24b (28-oct-18)
- Added usage license to about screen (MIT-license), installer and a license.txt file, as I often get asked about licensing.
- Added some more safeguarding checks to code.
v0.99.23b (09-oct-18)
- Fixed problem with opening settings/keywords window in older versions of Windows.
- Fixed $U$ to better support none ascii characters.
v0.99.22b (13-aug-18)
- Added new keywords file "extras.exc". This has a couple of my own frequently used system keywords "textlaunch, pastesecond, pastethird", and also some new keywords "dice, random, flipcoin" that can roll RPG like dices, return a random number and flip a coin. To install these go to the keyword editor (ctrl+k), right-click some keyword in list for a popup-menu and select "Import keywords from file". The "extras.exc" is located in Executors program folder. While your at it also check out the keywords in "windowkeywords.exc".
- Added when running Executor in safemode it's window will be centered on the primary display (in case it somehow got lost out of screen).
v0.99.21b (11-aug-18)
- Added default keyword ?sleep (it's actually same command as $STANDBY$, Microsoft just renamed standby to sleep). Existing users can import standard.exc (in keyword editor) to get this.
- Changed default hotkey for new users (yet again) to Shift+Win+Z after Microsoft again stole my default hotkey Win+A when releasing Windows 10 (and Win+Z when releasing Windows 8).
- Removed Removed old outdated default keywords groups, lastfm, myspace.
- Fixed sorting in keyword editor.
v0.99.20b (28-jul-18)
- Added ability to delete items from clipboard list by pressing delete key on highlighed item.
- Added new search type option to wizard to combine "short-form" and "text contains".
- Added option to cancel wizard when started from settings.
- Fixed typo in $U$ usage example in keyword editor.
v0.99.19b (26-jul-18)
- Change recompiled 64bit/32bit on up-to-date 2018 compiler.
- Change changed logo.
v0.99.18b (09-nov-13)
- Fixed Several stability bugs (fixes ported from latest test build 0.99.17).
v0.99.17b (07-nov-13)
- Added hidden setting to steal "WIN-Z" back again from Windows 8 as Executor hotkey (for old users used to WIN-Z as hotkey). To do so close Executor and open executor.ini file, and in the [Setup] section add hookwinz=1.
v0.99.16b (06-nov-13)
- Fixed an access violation that could occur under certain conditions when having "Short form dectection" enabled.
v0.99.15b (04-nov-13)
- Change Installer will detect and offer a fix if you have Executor startup on Windows startup, but the location is somewhere else than where you are installing.
- Fixed "Steal WIN-R" hotkey from windows" option for 64bit Windows.
v0.99.14b (01-nov-13)
- Change Cleaned up some unsafe multi-threaded code.
- Change If indexing is enabled then the profile directory (c:\users\yourprofilename) will now be indexed for later versions of Windows (Vista+). This is only for folder items and it won't do sub folder items. This will include items like "Downloads", "Documents", "Desktop", "Music", "Pictures, "Videos" etc. (just like Executor did on XP).
- Change Changed default hotkey to WIN+A instead of WIN+Z as WIN+Z is reserved for something else in Windows 8 (damn you Microsoft for stealing my hotkey!). I actually prefer WIN+< which is the key to the left of Z on an Danish keyboard, but this key is very different from country to country.
- Fixed 64bit "Only allow one instance" option didn't bring already running instance into focus.
- Fixed an invalid buffer size that could cause problems with indexed items.
- Fixed bug in "Build icon cache" feature, where some icons would show a default icon.
- Fixed bug in showing icons with "apps" keyword, where some icons would show a default icon.
- Fixed "apps" keyword now works in 64bit.
v0.99.13b (22-oct-13)
- Added 64bit and unicode support.
- Fixed bug with "send to" functionality on certain systems (try disable and enable this option if you have problems with it).
- Fixed bug reading some indexed items from history and "cached index items" option.
v0.99.12b (21-oct-13)
- Fixed Several stability bugs.
v0.99.11b (30-jul-11)
- Added Pressing next delimiter (TAB by default settings) on a keyword that points to a folder will expand the folder in the input and list.
- Added a "Automatic backup" setting under "misc" enabled by default. This will make a backup of executor.ini each time Executor is closed under the following conditions: No backup file was found, backup file is at least two days old, executor has been closed at least 5 times after a new executor.ini was written (this is so a new ini (maybe result of old being corrupt) just doesn't overwrite a possible useful backup right away).
- Added When Executor creates a new "executor.ini" but detects a backup, a notification about this will be displayed on startup.
- Added $SENDTEXT$ this will send text from the parameter of the keyword that contains the command $SENDTEXT$ to the current focused window. For example I could make a keyword called "signature" with command "$SENDTEXT$" and parameter "Martin Bresson{ENTER}Author of Executor". When triggering this keyword it will send this text to the current focused window. I could also assign a hotkey to the keyword so I wouldn't have to open Executor to activate the keyword. special keys are also supposed example new line is {ENTER}. Other examples {TAB}, {F1}, {ESC}, {END}, {PGDN} etc.
- Added new tag $PASTE2$ that is probably most useful with hotkeys. $PASTE2$ will paste the previous text that was in the clipboard (not the current). So for example we can create a new keyword called "pasteprev" with command "$PASTE2$" and hotkey "CTRL+ALT+V". Pressing CTRL+ALT+V will then paste the previous text from your clipboard.
- Added tag $PASTE3$ and $PASTE4$.. Like $PASTE2$ but will return text number 3 and 4 from your clipboard history.
- Added optional parameter to $WCENTER$ ("center" keyword). The optional parameter is the monitor number you would like to center the window on. Monitor numbers starts from 1 (meaning 1 is your primary one). Monitor numbers can be seen in your windows display settings.
- Added $DATAFOLDER$ tag. Making a keyword with this as command opens the folder containing executor.ini etc.
- Added optional browser now supports $D$, $H$ and environment path (%systemroot% etc).
- Improved opening of items slightly for better support of programs that are iconic (system tray apps/programs for example) will in Win7/Vista open directly instead of sometimes only being opened and highlighted in the taskbar.
- Improved more safe data file writing to avoid executor.ini getting corrupt.
- Improved clipboard sniffer recovery code.
- Improved Executor recompiled under an updated compiler and a couple of updated libraries.
- Improved "Don't display scrollbar" setting is now enabled by default on new install.
- Fixed bug fix with a incorrect buffersize that could in rare cases cause access violation.
- Fixed disabling clipboard sniffer in settings now really ignores clipboard. Before Executor would still hook into the clipboard and listen to messages but just not keep track of them.
v0.99.04b (01-oct-09)
- Added setting (drop-down) to indexing called "Auto index". This has the following options "Never", "Only on startup", "Only on focus", "On startup and on focus", "Only on 15 minutes of idle", "On startup and on 15 minutes of idle". This replaces the previous checkbox option called "Only index on startup". A note on the new "15 minutes of idle", Executor will not index again if the machine keeps being idle after 30min and then again 45min etc. Executor will detect if the computer is still in the same idle state since last indexing, and will only start indexing if it's a new idle state.
- Added hidden setting "indexidle", with this setting you can change the default 15 minutes of idle. Will only have an effect if your using one of the "Auto index" idle modes.
- Added new tag $CC$. Only handy for hotkey keywords. This is just like $C$ but will trigger a copy to clipboard event first (so you just have to mark the text and then trigger the hotkey).
- Added new tag $CX$. This works like $CE$ but will in case the clipboard text is not a url or filepath replace $CX$ with the clipboard text (where $CE$ opens a predefined keyword with clipboard text as parameter). Limitation is it only works in a keywords command field at the moment.
- Added hidden setting "calcchar" with this you can change the default calculator prefix character "#" to something else.
- Fixed problems with keywords calling other keywords, didn't pass and resolve the tags that might be in the original keywords parameter field.
- Fixed keywords containing parameter info and calls another keyword, will now be displayed correctly in history (previously the keyword parameter info would also be added to history).
- Fixed importing keywords that have more than one keyword would not be detected as a duplicate/already existing.
- Fixed current icon disappearing just after closing settings/keyword dialog.
- Fixed alarm message text was ignored.
- Fixed external links in Executor now use the new domain.
v0.99b (19-may-09)
- Added when pressing enter in the input and current input is not recognized as something to execute, then the first item in the list will be executed. This only applies if list/drop-down is visible or set to auto-open (so those who have set an open delay on list can still press enter at once).
- Added new "Auto open delay" setting for found in settings under "Drop down / list". Default value is 0 (instant). Handy for slower computers or if you type faster than your computer can manage....
- Added new option "Search type" to "Drop down / list". This can be "Words starts with (default)" or "Contains text (same as ctrl+r)". Will probably add a "Suggestions only" option later.
- Added new typing "Short form" typing assistance.
- Added new key CTRL+E. This will list the folder/items of what is current typed in the input box (a keyword, environment variable, index/scanned item), and you can also press ctrl+e on highlighted item in the list. Try type mycomp (if you still have that default keyword) and press ctrl+e. Also try type my then go in the list highlight my computer (if you have scanned items) and press ctrl+e. Regarding keywords Executor tries to figure out what part of the keyword (command, parameter) should be used for listing.
- Added a hotkey CTRL+D and right-click context menu item called "Open folder of item". It will in windows, open the folder of the current item.
- Added index setting "Build cache file (for quick start)". This applies to indexed items. When closing Executor all indexed items are saved to a file, and when Executor is started this is loaded and used before new index scan is complete. If using Executor on a usb-drive between different computers this setting should probably not be used.
- Added new setting to import a keyword file from internet on startup. By this you can share keywords on different Executor installations (provided they have internet access and you have somewhere to host this keyword file). Setting can be found in settings - misc (along with a test button). This will be loaded async when Executor starts up (to prevent hanging if no internet is available) so it might take some seconds for the keywords to be available. Also these imported keywords will overwrite (update) any existing keywords of the same name.
- Added that font script can now be set to something else than "western" like cyrillic, hebrew etc. (See settings/"Visual / skin" / Font button). The list / drop-down will also inherit this.
- Added a "Import keywords from url". In the keyword editor (right-click keyword list for context-menu). This will present the usual list where you can toggle which keywords to import from the url etc. You can try it out with this url that contains one keyword called "forum" that will open Executors forum maximized. Test url: https://executor.dk/test.exc you can also use this url to test the auto import feature mentioned above.
- Added a new item to the right-click context menu called "Copy full path of input" (can also press F8). It will copy the full path of the item in the input box (indexed item or keyword). For keywords it will just copy the command part of the keyword.
- Added default keyword refreshindex. This will rebuild the index. If will write number of index items when finished if input is not changed meanwhile.
- Added new setting to toggle if global hotkey will also hide Executor if Executor already has focus and pressing hotkey. This can be found in settings/general called "Hotkey will also hides when focus" (located just beneath where you set the global hotkey).
- Added default keyword "listgroups".
- Added default keyword textclean. This will remove any formatting to the current text in clipboard. Example you want to copy text from a web-page and paste it into a mail, but don't want the formatting (font-size, color etc) of the web-page to be pasted as well. Then first copy text from web-page, then launch the keyword textclean, and then paste the (now clean) text into the mail. If you want a hotkey to do all this see $TEXTCLEANPASTE$ info below.
- Added calculator will show result preview when typing (in title/description).
- Added icon be resolved when using relative paths.
- Added another option to Suggestions to "Only list suggestions in list". For people that want suggestions in list but not in input field. For example those that like "Contains text" search, and also have suggestions enabled, might prefer to have it launch the first item in list (pressing enter) instead of launching some suggested item matching the "contains" criteria you typed.
- Added that pressing tab (or ctrl+tab if input setting "Switch tab behavior" isn't enabled) will expand the file path of the indexed item in the input field, or in case the indexed item doesn't have a file path (like control panel folders "Printers and faxes", "Administrative tool") it will expand it in the list.
- Added order of "Suggestions" in list will be at same position as "Indexed item". Replacing indexed items if "always add short form detection" is enabled, and if disabled placed just before "Indexed items".
- Added more stop delimiter characters when using ctrl+left arrow and ctrl+right arrow to navigate input.
- Added background indexing reserves a little less cpu when scanning in background lower priority thread.
- Added "Programs" to auto-completion. So none history scanned/indexed items can be suggested in the text input when typing. Off by default, can be enabled in "Settings"/"Input, wording & auto completion"/"Auto-complete and order".
- Added option to "Additional typing assistance" to always add short detection items to list and replace indexed items (if any). If not checked short detection items will only be added when no other items are found.
- Added simple alarm, stopwatch and timer functionality (can be imported from standard.exc). These will probably not expand much further as there are a lot of good software for this. It's just meant as a quick and simple help, if for example you're on a foreign computer and in need of one of these functions. These are not saved when closing Executor.
- Added Stopwatch keyword. Parameters "start, stop" and no parameters will start (if not started) or show stopwatch time (if started).
- Added Timer keyword. Parameters "h:m:s or h:m or m, stop". If no parameters timer will display time left or syntax if not started. timer example: timer 10 (will make a timer with 10 minute countdown), Another example: timer 1:20:30 (will make a timer with countdown of 1hour 20min and 30sec). An optional timer text can be made as a last space separated parameter. Example: timer 10 break is over.
- Added Alarm keyword. Parameters "h:m or h, stop". If no parameters alarm will show when the alarm is due, or syntax if not started. Alarm example: alarm 23:00 (will set an alarm for 23:00 same day, unless the current time is later than 23:00 then it will be the following day). Also supports am/pm. Another example: alarm 11pm. An optional alarm text can be made as a last space separated parameter. Example: alarm 22:00 time to go home.
- Added an alarm/timer sound can be set under Settings / Sound.
- Added "Clear last input" will not clear calculations.
- Added in apps list pressing "shift-del" will now kill process while pressing "del" will close the process. It's really recommended to try close the process (del key) first as killing it might terminate it while it's writing data etc.
- Added if list set to be hidden when no content, fixed commands like time, ip, next, prev will hide list after being executed.
- Added option for keywords to open "Hidden". Will probably not work with all programs as some programs force show/focus when they open.
- Added keywords that still have the default name "new..." will be removed.
- Added when using ctrl+tab (or tab if setting switch tab behavior enabled) to move delimiter, it now also stops at spaces placed before any slashes or backslashes.
- Added ctrl+s, ctrl+k and ctrl+alt+k works when focus is on the list.
- Added setting (under general) to have Executor "hide from Alt-Tab".
- Added setting (under indexing) "Don't add to history". If enabled no scanned items will be added to history.
- Added when auto hide behavior is disabled and pressing esc (if no input) or double esc, Executor will focus the previous active window.
- Added pressing "del" key in application list will try to close application (same as right-clicking it and selecting "Close").
- Added keyword editor can now also be sorted by command,comment,parameter.
- Added the two hidden settings "clipboard sniffing" and "enter will launch first item in list if input don't make sense" to the settings listed under "Misc".
- Added hidden setting "importurlfast" if this is set to 1 then Executor will import keywords from internet immediately (sync and not default async). The risk is that Executor might hang up to 60sec if there's trouble reaching the specified import url.
- Added hidden setting "clipautopaste" (found in executor.ini). If enabled (clipautopaste=1) this will also paste to the current window when selecting a clipboard item in Executor. Disabled be default.
- Added hidden setting (in executor.ini) named refreshindex. When executor has been idle it checks how long it has been idle when brought back to focus, normally if it has been idle for longer than two minutes it will refresh index (unless set to only refresh at startup, or indexing is disabled). with refreshindex setting you can set something else than the default 2 minutes. refreshindex does not support decimals.
- Added hidden setting (in executor.ini) named defaultenter, setting this to 0 will disable the feature that pressing enter when nothing has been auto-completed/suggested in the text input will launch first item in list.
- Added new tag $GRABTOINPUT$, if added to a keywords command this will grab the output and write it in Executors input. This requires that the command is a console application that outputs some text (like for example ipconfig.exe).
- Added new tag $GRABTOLIST$, works like $GRABTOINPUT$ but will instead display the text and set focus in the list (multi-lined text). To dismiss the text from the list press esc (while the text has focus). Example try make a keyword with command c:\windows\system32\ipconfig.exe$GRABTOLIST$
- Added new tag $GRABTOLISTNOFOCUS$ works likes $GRABTOLIST$ will display the result text in the list, but will maintain focus on input field.
- Added a new special command $CLR$ for keywords. If the keywords command or parameter field contains $CLR$ it will clear the input in Executor after the keyword is launched. This can be handy if you for example launch a keyword that has sensitive information. For example a password as parameter, and you don't want this to be visible the next time Executor gains focus (if you want to clear input for everything there is already a setting for this).
- Added a new tag $TEXTCLEAN$. This will strip any formatting etc from current text in clipboard (if any).
- Added a new tag $TEXTCLEANPASTE$. This is only for hotkey fans, that can make a keyword with this tag and assign it a hotkey. This will both clean text like $TEXTCLEAN$, and will also paste the text.
- Added new tag $REFRESHINDEX$ it will force index to be rebuild.
- Added index setting to include hidden folders (enabled by default). Previously hidden folders would not get scanned.
- Added settings to display full path for scanned items in main window and/or list. Settings found under "Indexing, scanning & cache".
- Added if an additional scan path has an empty extension, it acts as a wildcard and add everything.
- Added tag $GROUPS$, creating a keyword with $GROUPS$ will list all groups when typing/launching the keyword. From the list you can then select a group and the group will be displayed. Ctrl+e in list/drop-down also works for groups (like selecting).
- Added the tag $WADJUST$ it takes four parameters width,height,left,top. This can resize and/or move a window by a specific amount of pixels. Example adjust 10,0,0,0 will make the window 10 pixels wider. Another example adjust 0,0,0,-10 will move the window 10 pixels up. Also added a default keyword called adjust that can be imported from "windowkeywords.exc" file.
- Added values listfontname, listfontsize, listrowheight, dropdownfontname, dropdownfontsize, failcolor, titlefontsize can be set in skinfiles now.
- Added two command-line parameters -safemode (will start Executor in safemode, see help for more details) and -wizard (will force Executor to startup with setup wizard.
- Improved when moving alpha skinned Executor, the window should move more fluent and take up less cpu while moving.
- Improved "Don't try to resolve network paths" to be able to detect more.
- Improved icon load speed.
- Improved "Indexed items" in input auto completion. Will now suggest the closest match first. It's also recommended that if you have indexed items enabled for auto-completion (Settings / "Input, wording & auto-completion") to move it above history.
- Improved "Wizard". After selecting skin it will display some dialogs to try and pinpoint user type (normal user, power user etc). This is to have good start settings, so forum/my mail won't get cluttered too much, and will hopefully give the user a better start experience.
- Improved Executor window is now better at getting focus when pressing hotkey (for example open pop-up menus in the taskbar could deny focus, like active program button groups).
- Improved the "write to disk" routine. Should be about much faster, and use less resources than the standard component that was used before.
- Improved behavior of "only one instance running" keywords when an instance is running and triggering keyword again (often nothing would appear).
- Improved when typing something and auto completion suggests a text that doesn't fit the input field, the input field will be scrolled to the right. Now if continuing typing the suggested text might change to something that does fit the input field, but the visual area of the input field is still scrolled to the right. This will now be detected and visual area will be scrolled back to start of input.
- Improved some behavior when opening windows that are minimized.
- Changed clipboard list is now sorted so latest items will be in top of the list.
- Renamed "Programs" to "Indexed items" and most "scan" terms to "index" to simplify terms a bit.
- Fixed some issues with indexing and a minor memory leak.
- Fixed an issue with multiple commands on command-line.
- Fixed a hotkey bug that could affect certain hotkeys (if you had problems with hotkeyed $CE$ you might wanna try again).
- Fixed an issue with users that have switched mouse button behavior (left-handed setup etc.) couldn't move skinned window (was alpha skins only).
- Fixed a memory leak and possible access violation.
- Fixed some rare error dialogs that could popup when scanning.
- Fixed a bug with list skin not always being stretched correctly.
- Fixed a GDI object leak when using alphaskins. Specially annoying if infoenabled was enabled with alphaskin.
- Fixed a bug that could rarely occur when having Executor running on windows startup.
- Fixed a bug where under certain circumstances launching an item could cause a access violation.
- Fixed annoying bug that under certain circumstances would prevent indexed items from being shown in auto-completion.
- Fixed expected behavior when assigning time or ip to a hotkey.
- Fixed that under certain conditions, Windows could pop-up a "No media inserted drive" dialog when scanning, or listing certain history items.
- Fixed a bug that after using keyword editor groups wouldn't execute properly.
- Fixed so shell: commands with space works.
- Fixed an issue with clipboard handling.
- Fixed having defined an optional browser, it's home folder will be set when an url is Executed (Opera for example seem to require this).
- Fixed clipboard list won't trim and remove linefeed when selecting an item. Also linefeed will be displayed as {BR} in the clipboard list.
- Fixed that when option "Stay on top" is enabled, the Executor window could stay on top of the settings window or keyword editor window.
- Fixed that listing apps can freeze if a listed app is hanging.
- Fixed that scanned/indexed items that are not shortcuts (.lnk) will have their own folder set as working folder when executed.
- Fixed a bug with "Open keyword editor maximized" and when it was maximized and restored.
- Fixed issue with show info on focus keep reappearing when using arrow keys etc to navigate input field content.
- Fixed a system tray icon issue when using the option "Display window frame" and skins using this option.
- Fixed a bug with list not showing additional scan paths when disabling scanning of start-menu and control panel items.
- Fixed spelling of ?hibernate default keyword.
v0.98b (11-may-08)
- Added ability to add custom scan paths for indexing/scanning.
- Added that the icon for each keyword can now be customized.
- Added a new more organized settings interface with more options (some where previously hidden).
- Added list can now also contain large items, where each item has a 32x32 pixel icon [Screenshot] (See "List appearance wizard" button in "Drop down / list" settings). The wizard can also change font and fontsize for the list.
- Added optional "Group" as a new keyword property. By this you can for example give all your browser keywords (ie, firefox, opera etc). the group "browsers". Then if you type "browsers" in the input field all keywords with the group browsers will be displayed in the drop down / list. Group names will also be auto-completed in input. Trying to Execute a group will open the drop-down / list with the group items.
- Added index settings now tell the amount of index items, and "scan now" button gives a bit more feedback.
- Added the keyword "apps" to the default keywords. This will list (and option to open) current running applications. Also each can be right-clicked for a number of options.
- Added the keyword "clipboard" to the default keywords. This will list previous clipboard text. Also each can be right-clicked for a number of options.
- Added the keyword "recent" to the default keywords. This will list (and option to open) most recent documents.
- Added lastfm to the default keywords.
- Added an option to run keywords/commands on startup. Found in settings (under misc.)
- Added setting "Always align to center of screen" to "General" settings.
- Added setting "Lock window position and size". The setting can be found in "General" settings, and in the context menu if you right-click Executor and select "More...".
- Added setting "Only auto-complete when cursor is at end of text, or at start of suggestion." This makes auto-completion less aggressive, and allows for easier editing of text to avoid auto-completion suggesting something while for example editing the middle part of the text input. Can be found in settings under "Input, wording & auto-completion".
- Added "Quick launch" and "Desktop" items are now scanned for short-cuts too.
- Added Auto-completion in drop-down (by typing something while focus is on drop-down).
- Added a setting to "Drop down / list" called "Auto size to fit number of items". If enabled this will trim down (auto size) the height of the list, if list contains less than the max number of visible items.
- Added keyword editor columns will size adjust better when resizing keyword editor.
- Added in keyword editor that you can sort the list by keyword name, hotkey or group, by clicking that specific column header.
- Added hidden setting specialsolo. If set to 1 $APPS$ and $RECENT$ will be shown isolated (default). If set to 0 they will be shown along with other matching items.
- Added keyword "center" to the "windowkeywords.exc" file (for importing).
- Added an option to always open the keyword editor maximized (found in Settings/misc).
- Added when Executor is set to not resolve network path icons, it will instead display a default network folder icon.
- Added "Add keyword" will now also detect if an url or a command is currently typed in the input field and use this as default for the keyword command being added.
- Added hidden setting (in executor.ini) named borderstyle. 0 (default) = rounded border, 1 = square border.
- Added the tag $APPS$. If you include this tag in a keywords command, typing the keyword will list the current open applications. If you select one of them it will activate that application (like alt-tab). Added this as I was tired of some remote desktop clients not supporting alt-tab etc.
- Added the tag $RECENT$. If you include this tag in a keywords command, typing the keyword will list the recent documents (just as going to the start-menu and selecting "recent documents").
- Added the tag $CLIPBOARD$. If you include this tag in a keywords command, typing the keyword will list clipboard text history.
- Added tag $SETPOS$. This can set the position of Executor.. Syntax is: keywordname x,y (Add a keyword with command $SETPOS$).
- Added tag $WCENTER$. It will center the current focused window on the monitor it's displayed on (in case of multiple monitors).
- Added a new tag $CE$ (clipboard extended) that is useful with a keyword that has a hotkey assigned. This will copy marked text to clipboard and launch the marked text. If the marked text is not an url or filepath it will launch the marked text to a default keyword as parameter, else it will launch the url or the filepath. The name of the default keyword can be modified in the inifile and is named "fastsearch".. It defaults to the keyword "google". So how is this useful ? Make a new keyword for example called "textlaunch", set it's command property to $CE$ and select a hotkey for the keyword. Now if you mark some text in a window somewhere (browser, email client etc) press the hotkey you assigned and the marked text will be copied to clipboard and launched. If you don't have a keyword named google, open the executor.ini and modify the value called fastsearch to your default internet search keyword.
- Improved Executor will no longer wait for scanning (if a scan is in progress) when closing down Executor (it will stop scanning gracefully instead).
- Improved keyword editor window can now be resized more easily.
- Improved "Scan for dead keywords". Now handles quoted commands and multiple command keywords better.
- Improved startup keywords/commands/etc. won't trigger any sound.
- Modified the tag $WRESIZE$. It can now take two optional parameters X and Y position of the window syntax is like this "200x200,10,20" (widthXheight,xpos,ypos).
- Modified the tag $WRESIZE$. It can now take an optional parameter to center. Syntax is like this "200x200,center" (widthXheight,center).
- Fixed an annoying bug where under certain circumstances when pressing a keywords hotkey, Executor would instead launch last selected/executed command from text input.
- Fixed a bug with "Detect and hide duplicate items" option, that could hide unique scanned items.
- Fixed that "Don't try to resolve network paths" option also applies to keyword commands containing network paths. Else this could stall Executor if visible part of list contained a keyword pointing to an unconnected network path.
- Fixed a bug where in some multi-screen environments stored window position would not be correct on start up.
- Fixed when keywords editor or settings dialog is open, Executor won't auto-hide when moving focus to something else (if auto-hide is enabled).
- Fixed some dialogs that could sometimes sneak behind Executor/settings window. Making it very hard to respond to the dialog.
- Fixed Executor sometimes appearing twice in the alt-tab view when visible.
- Fixed launching a keyword by hotkey and keyword fails will not pop up the "Seems broken" message (that message is only meant for the "Test" keyword button).
- Fixed drag and drop to window should work with alpha skins now.
- Fixed visual glitch that sometimes with alpha skins you can briefly see previous command executed before Executor hides (probably only on slower/stressed computers).
- Fixed an annoying bug with alpha skins and stay-on-top enabled (and no auto-hide) where Executor would in some cases keep grabing window focus.
- Fixed F9 should work now when drop down is visible but don't have focus.
- Fixed conflict with "show info on focus" and "clear last input" settings (show info now overrides).
v0.97b (22-dec-07)
- Added a new skin type called alpha. This supports alpha blending and free positioning of all elements. Supports 32bit alpha channel bitmaps (same possibilities as png). Skin creation has also been simplified for this type. A guide can be found on the website.
- Added two alpha skins (Thanks to Dan Mendez for making them). Added one of them to the wizard.
- Added support for all environment varibles, and not just a few selected ones.
- Added more window commands (width, height, resize).
- Added if keyword does not use any $P* or $U* tags (in command, parameter or path) and given a parameter when executed, it will act as virtually append a $P$ to the keyword's parameter field.
- Added so input and button background can now be transparent against skin and don't have to be one specific color. This should make life a bit easier when creating skins (to enable in skinfile medium and alpha set transparentcontrols=1). This makes Executor capable of the same eye-candy as other popular eye-candy launchers.
- Added so $W$ (wait command) now support number of seconds. Example $W5$ for five seconds.
- Added tag $C$ that will be replaced by text from the clipboard.
- Added tag $H$ (for home) it will return the full path to executor.exe
- Added font property bold will now be saved. Can also be set in skinfiles with fontbold=1 (can be handy if input is transparent and displayed on a hard to read background).
- Added hidden setting nolistprogramsiconcache. If set to false (0) programs icons will be loaded and cached, meaning they will be displayed much faster but also take up more memory (on my computer like 4mb extra) and initial programs detecting will be a bit slower as icons have to be loaded (like two seconds more on my computer).
- Added a hidden setting called autosorteditor.. will sort keywords in editor after closing the keyword editor.
- Added hidden setting "fastesc" where if enabled pressing the "esc" key once will hide Executor if autohide is enabled, no matter what text is in the input field.
- Added hidden settings infocustomtime, customtime, dropdownfontname, dropdownfontsize.
- Added hidden setting notrailingspace. If enabled Executor will never append a space character to the input (will override smart keyword param. detection).
- Added new dll hookwinr.dll to replace wingrab.dll (for option to grab win-r).
- Improved popup at cursor smarter with multiscreen and taskbar.
- Improved launching and context-menu of some "Programs" items.
- Improved pressing ESC when all text is selected will hide Executor if autohide is enabled.
- Improved The priority setting in the settings dialog will now set process base priority, which will have a greater impact (can be confirmed in the taskmanager).
- Improved the two files "defaultinternet.htm" and defaultemail.eml" is no longer needed, or included with Executor.
- Fixed a bug in the hotkey manager.
- Fixed some behavior issues with multi monitor.
- Fixed dropdown positioning when using custom font sizes.
- Fixed popup at cursor when triggered by win+r.
- Fixed infoonfocus clock will now be properly updated.
- Fixed a bug where typing "\\" with certain settings could cause trouble.
- Fixed a bug that could in some cases trigger an access violation when using multiple monitors.
- Fixed $D$ working with context menu.
- Fixed an issue where "Programs" detection of start-menu items could follow drive/folder shortcuts outside the start-menu.
- Fixed various small bugs and did some performance tweaking.
- Fixed "&" character(s) should now display properly in title.
- Fixed Having a keyword where command is only $M$ or $R$ will not open default folder.
v0.96b (14-oct-07)
- Added you can right-click items in the list for the standard windows context menu and special context menu for items that doesn't match the windows context menu.
- Added you can press F9 or select "windows context menu" from the context menu to invoke the standard windows context menu for the input in the text input field.
- Added support for a keyword can have more than one name. Each should be seperated with a comma.. example a keyword name could be: text,note,word,edit
- Added support for targeting individual parameters in keywords with $P1$ $P2$ $U1$ $U2$ etc. So for example a mailto keyword command would look like this: mailto:$P1$?subject=$P2$&body=$P3$
- Added a right-click menu for system-tray icon.
- Added a setting named "Detect and hide duplicates". If enabled it will not list an item more than once in the drop-down/list (if for example it exist both in history and keywords).
- Added support for tray-icon refreshing if explorer crashes.
- Added Executor now knows how to open .cpl files if not specified.
- Added a internal command named -edit.. will close down executor and open executor.ini..
- Added copy/paste/cut to right-click context menu.
- Added close button will now just minimize.
- Improved drag-n-drop keyword name detection.
- Fixed a bug where a keyword calling multiple keywords with parameters wouldn't launch properly.
- Fixed an issue with dragging a folder to keyword list.
- Fixed an issue with -exit file parameter.
- Fixed Executor internal work folder will remain the same.
- Fixed bug with launching windowkeywords with hotkeys.
v0.95b (28-aug-07)
- Added an internal hotkey manager so each keyword can now be assigned to a hotkey.
- Added left and right arrow will in dropdown/list select the item and move text cursor to the right of the selected item (hidden setting will "simplearrownav" disable this).
- Added a new hidden setting to have paths open with something else than Windows Explorer. Setting is named "explore" see help/hidden settings for more info.
- Added Mousewheel scrolling now works with hidden setting "listnoscrollbar".
- Added if text input is a keyword and opening keyword editor the text input keyword will be selected.
- Added a keyword file that can be imported (windowkeywords.exc) containing five keywords to manipulate the current window. Keywords are: open, close, minimize, maximize, restore.
- Added an option to "Always show tray icon".
- Added the keyword "?saveclipboard" to default keywords, this will save the clipboard to a file (example a screenshot as bmp). Removed "Tools" and "Save clipboard to a file" from the right-click context menu.
- Added -q and -x as commands to quit Executor.
- Added when typing a long path the list will trim the items so end file/folder names are viewable.
- Added -v to view version number and -about to view about screen.
- Improved code for "Programs".
- Improved speed of detecting "Programs".
- Improved memory usage for "Programs".
- Fixed hint popup now inherits correct hint colors from windows.
- Fixed "Programs" items in history when autocompleting was not executing or showing icon/title..
- Fixed picking a "Programs" item from dropdown (not list) was not showing icon/title.
- Fixed "?monitor" keyword ($MONITOR$ command) should now work properly.
- Fixed an annoyance where Executor sometimes would not autohide when executing something.
- Fixed an issue with icon not showing for some commands when they have paramater(s).
- Fixed closing Executor more than one time (while closing down) might cause an error.
- Fixed running programs from quoted filepath with parameter(s) was bugged. (example: "c:\windows\notepad.exe" c:\boot.ini).
- Fixed keywords having a shortcut (.lnk file) as a command, could cause trouble and/or fail when executing.
v0.94b (04-aug-07)
- Added a new power feature. "Programs" option to drop-down settings. If enabled (default) this will automatically detect, add and sort matching start-menu items, control panel items and some other handy items to the drop-down/list (dynamically and not as keywords). See screenshot. This feature is not using/depended on any windows indexing service. This feature also matches sub words, for example "photo" will match "adobe photoshop". Help section has more info on "Programs".
- Added a new default keyword "find [text]" that will use the new Windows Instant Search (Vista) or Window Desktop Search (if available) for XP etc.
- Added better key navigation in list when type headers are enabled (selection will skip past type headers).
- Added a new command-line parameter (for executor.exe) called "-exit" that will close down Executor.
- Added so you can type \ to access home drive files. Example "\program files" file system auto-completion works with this.
- Added a 48x48 pixel main icon.
- Added a new skin to the wizard called "medium_metal_big". Thanks to Dan Mendez for making this skin.
- Added a hidden setting called "norefreshindex". This will if "Programs" is enabled only read the windows items (start-menu etc.) on startup and not every time Executor gains focus.
- Fixed a bug with "Import from windows start-menu" that could result in this function not working or only work partially.
- Fixed that when moving items up/down (F5/F6) in the keyword editor the moved item stays in view.
- Fixed a bug where pressing alt+f4 in list could cause problems.
- Fixed a bug where rarely the list would not match the latest input text, but previous input.
- Fixed an annoyance where clicking tray icon the click could trigger other items.
- Fixed hidden option "listnoscrollbar" will cause less flickering when scrolling.
v0.93b (09-july-07)
- Added that writing filepaths prefixed with a quote now also auto-complete file system. (example: "c:\progra) this is handy because if you want to run a filepath with parameters the filepath/file part has to be quoted (example: "c:\windows\notepad.exe" c:\boot.ini).
- Added a $EMPTYRECYCLEBIN$ fixed command. The default keyword is ?emptyrecyclebin
- Added a hotkey to reload skin (full reload) to make it easier for anyone making skins to see changes faster. The hotkey is ctrl+f5.
- Added that the skin browse dialog will now open in the folder of the current selected skin (if any).
- Added $NEXT$, $PREV$, $PLAY$, $STOP$, $MEDIA$ as fixed commands, also added default keywords (next, previous, play, stop, media). They will work with the default mediaplayer. To work with Winamp, enable the "Global hotkeys" option in Winamp.
- Added better detection of double entries in "Import from windows start-menu".
- Added an option to use ClearType (smooth) font. This option can be enabled even though your Windows is not set to use ClearType. If your Windows is already using ClearType this option will do nothing. Option can be found in settings (Visual).
- Added pressing ESC in setup/about/keywords (unless editing) will close the window.
- Added a new hidden setting called browser. This can force the browser to be something else than default. It must point to the exe file of the browser. Example: browser=c:\program files\firefox\firefox.exe
- Added a new hidden setting called listnoscrollbar. If enabled the scrollbar in the list will never be drawn, instead small arrows will indicate if there are more top or bottom items (screenshot).
- Added stayontop less annoying when fiddling with visual settings.
- Added that a keyword can now have another keyword as command (only worked with multiple keywords before). If a parameter was given this will be send to the other keyword, if no parameter was given it will send the original keyword's parameter (if any) as parameter.
- Fixed that "Open urls maximized" option now also works with urls not prefixed with "https://", "http://" or "www.".
- Fixed that mouse cursor was in some cases a resize cursor where it should be a default (arrow) cursor.
- Fixed a problem that could occur with tray icon (option) on start-up.
- Fixed a visual bug with the wizard not always instantly repainting properly.
- Fixed some minor repainting problems in the list.
- Hint check out the user forum, there are much cooler skins available there than the default skins.
v0.92b (17-june-07)
- Changed that restart and shutdown will now restart/shutdown immediately, and not like previously open the windows shutdown dialog.
- Added input field detection for typing urls without "http://" or "www.". So you can now type "mail.google.com" instead of "http://mail.google.com" (well this will also work).
- Added "search" as a default keyword. It will open windows standard search dialog.
- Added "myspace" as a default keyword. Will do a MySpace search (Example typing "myspace redhead blonde" in Executor).
- Added a new keyword "ip", this will write your current local IP address, or a comma separated list if machine have more than one IP address.
- Added a new option for keywords if the keyword (and parameters etc.) should be added to history when triggered (true by default).
- Added support for autocompletion on filepaths entered as a parameter. Example Executor will now autocomplete entering "notepad c:\program fil" or "anykeyword c:\program fil".
- Added a new option for keywords to run keyword as elevated user (handy in vista).
- Added a feature that can scan for dead keywords (found in the context-menu by right-clicking the keyword list in the keyword editor).
- Added hotkey shift+enter to run command/keyword etc. as elevated user (handy in vista).
- Added $ip$ and $ip1$ as values to the hidden setting infosyntax. $ip$ will write your IP or a list of IP's if more than one. $ip1$ will only always only write one IP address.
- Added three new hidden settings. listfontname, listfontsize and listrowheight. To allow customized font and size in the list.
- Added a feature to save clipboard (text or screenshot), can be found by right-clicking Executor and select More/tools/Save clipboard to file.
- Added if text input contains a valid filesystem path/file and adding a keyword (from context-menu or ctrl+alt+k) then the new keyword will have the current text input as command.
- Added an option to "import" and "import from start menu", to not display items that already exists.
- Added that "import" and "import from start menu" will now prompt if a existing keyword with the same name should be overwritten or not.
- Added when executing a file with a complete path, or executing a keyword with no "Start in" (working folder) defined, Executor will automatically set "start in" (working folder) to the folder of the file/program. Also added a hidden setting to disable this behavior.
- Added mouseover on skin field in settings will show skin name in a more readable manner.
- Fixed a bug that Executor didn't close a dll properly when hooking Win+R.
- Fixed a bug where if disabling icon it would in some cases still be displayed (and also misaligned).
- Fixed if using infoenabled and clicking Executor while it's displaying idle info, it could sometimes redraw slowly.
- Fixed some issues with combining infosyntax values.
- Fixed ctrl+backspace now works as other windows input fields (will erase all or till next delimiter (like for example a whitespace or '\' character).
- Fixed holding ctrl or alt + enter when selecting an item from standard dropdown now works (only worked in list and not dropdown before).
- Fixed keyword "ie" if given an url as parameter (to fix you must reimport it from the default keywords (standard.exc in executor folder).
v0.91b (30-may-07)
- Changed the default keyword "define" to point to a better online dictionary.
- Added YouTube search to the default keywords (keyword is "youtube"). Current users can after installation import the "standard.exc" (located in same folder as executor.exe) to get it.
- Added ctrl+r hotkey that somewhat like the linux bash reverse-i-search shows a list of partial matches (both left and right wildcard search). First type in search criteria then press ctrl+r (doesn't matter if Executor autocompletes search criteria as it will only grab search criteria from text start to text caret). Will probably add a more bash similar solutions in future.
- Added a new hidden setting called calcdisplaystyle this can have the calculator display the result in different ways.
- Added a new skin (medium_black).
- Added a couple of more hidden parameters (infofontname and infofontsize).
- Added autodropdown option will now update dropdown/list if moving to last character and it's a folder path ending with '\'
- Added when selecting or autocompleting a filesystem path which is a folder, '\' will automatically be applied to it.
- Added space and other keys (combined with alt, shift, ctrl or win) now also work as hotkeys.
- Fixed an issue with the hidden parameter infoenabled. If enabled, date/time display would not be updated.
- Fixed if list titles was enabled and list icons disabled, titles would be misaligned.
- Fixed that the find button in the keyword editor could sometimes not auto apply changes to keyword.
- Fixed some hidden settings actually had a different name than listed in the hidden parameters documentation.
- Fixed an issue where both the success and failure sound could be triggered at the same time.
- Fixed a bug when triggering a keyword, the executed command and parameters was lowercased.
- Fixed if "Don't wait for launch result" was enabled the test button in the keyword editor would not report a "broken" result.
- Fixed a visual glitch that could occur with some fonts in the list (focus rect would not be entirely erased).
v0.90b (16-may-07)