Default keys
- SHIFT+WIN+Z will bring up Executor. This is the main hotkey to open Executor and it can be changed in settings. If you running an older version of Executor the default hotkey could also be Win+A or Win+Z. When Windows 8 was released it reserved WIN+Z so Windows 8 users that preferred WIN+Z should either reconfigure or use the option to steal back WIN+Z from Windows 8 or Windows 10). Windows 10 then stole the "new" default hotkey WIN+A, so now the default hotkey was updated again to SHIFT+WIN+Z
- Up, Down (arrow keys) or Tab, Shift+Tab. Scroll next/previous in auto-completion items for current input.
- Alt+Down or F4. Open drop down menu with auto-completion items for current input.
- Shift+Down or F5. Open drop down menu with entire history/keywords (order can be toggled).
- Shift+Del. Deletes current input from history.
- In the drop-down list you can press delete to delete the highlighted item from history.
- Ctrl+tab move to next delimiter, ctrl+shift+tab more to previous delimiter (note tab behavior can be switched in settings). Pressing this on an index item (and not a file path) will replace the indexed item with it's file path.
- Esc key. Clears current input if current input is already cleared Executor will hide instead (unless autohide is disabled and stay-on-top is enabled).
- Shift+Esc. Hides Executor.
- Standard copy/paste/select keys (Ctrl+C, Ctrl+P, Ctrl+A, Shift+Ins, Ctrl+Ins etc..).
- Ctrl+T show hint (if any) on current input (will display the keywords comment, and if not keyword then file type etc).
- Ctrl+S open settings.
- Ctrl+K open keywords editor.
- Ctrl+Alt+K add a keyword.
- Ctrl+R works somewhat like the linux bash reverse-i-search. It shows a list of partial matches (both left and right wildcard search). First type in search criteria then press CTRL+R (it doesn't matter if Executor autocompletes search criteria as it will only grab search criteria from text start to text caret). Will probably add a more bash similar solution in future.
- Ctrl+O will open the current entered keyword in the keyword editor.
- Shift+Enter to run command/keyword etc. as elevated user.
- Some of the keys (and some additional) can also be found in the context menu by right-clicking the Executor window.
- In the dropdown/list having the "quick launch" option disabled you can by holding the ALT or CTRL key launch an item directly instead of just selecting it. If quick launch is enabled holding ALT or CTRL will do the opposite and just select the item instead of launching it.
- In the dropdown/list you can press the left/right arrow to select an item without launching it and putting the text cursor at the end of the selection.
- F9 will bring forward the windows context menu for the current text input, or in the list for the current highlighted item.
- Ctrl+left arrow, ctrl+right arrow move to next / previous delimiter.
- Ctrl+E this will list the folder/items of what is current typed in the input box (a keyword, environemt variable, index/scanned item), and you can also press ctrl+e on highlighted item in the list. Try type mycomp (if you still have that default keyword) and press ctrl+e. Also try type my then go in the list highlight my computer (if you have scanned items) and press ctrl+e. Regarding keywords Executor tries to figure out what part of the keyword (command, parameter) should be used for listing.
- Ctrl+D it will in windows, open the folder of the current item (also available if you right-click Executor and in the context-menu select "open folder of item").
- Ctrl+N Opens the build in Notes.
Adding keywords to Executor
There are several ways of adding keywords, these are:- Drag-dropping a shortcut/file/folder/favorite directly to the Executor text input window.
- Right-clicking Executor and selecting "Add keyword"
- In the Keywords screen drag-dropping a shortcut/file/folder/favorite to the list of Keywords.
- In the Keywords screen drag-dropping a shortcut/file/folder/favorite to an already open keyword (it will inherit dropped properties).
- In the keywords screen right-click the keyword list for a pop-up menu. Here you can select to import keywords from windows start menu or a keyword file.
- Executor can now also scan these automatically without having to import these. Look in settings "Indexing & cache" "index start-menu and control panel". Still keyword can be more powerful if you want to have more control.
- You can also from the same menu mentioned above, import keywords directly from an internet url with the option "Import keywords from url". This will present the usual list where you can toggle which keywords to import from the url etc. You can try it out with this url that contains one keyword called "forum" that will open Executors forum maximized. Test url: you can also use this url to test the auto import feature mentioned above.
- There's also a "Find" button when opening a keyword that can browse for the target file/shortcut etc. to import as keyword.
- You can also enable the "Add to windows 'Send to' menu" option. Then you can simple right-click any shortcut/file/folder/favorite and select "Send to" and then select "Executor".
- Executor can auto import keywords from an url on startup, so you can share keywords between different Executor installations (for example a cooperation have a bunch general handy keywords for all employees). By this you can share keywords on different Executor installations (provided they have internet access and you have somewhere to host this keyword file). Setting can be found in settings - misc (along with a test button). This will be loaded async when Executor starts up (to prevent hanging if no internet is available) so it might take some seconds for the keywords to be available. Also these imported keywords will overwrite (update) any existing keywords of the same name. If you want these to be imported faster there's a hidden setting named "importurlfast", see hidden settings for more details.
Starting multiple keywords/urls/filesystem/programs etc. with one keyword or text input
- You can trigger multiple keywords/urls/filesystem/programs/documents etc. from the input field by splitting each with "||" example: "||photoshop||google photoshop cs2 update||winamp".
- A keyword can trigger multiple keywords/urls/filesystem/programs etc. In the keywords command field follow the same syntax as mentioned above (using || as seperator).
- Keywords that trigger other keywords will not have a nested effect, meaning the keyword triggered by the first keyword cannot trigger yet another keyword (else endless trigger loops can quickly become a problem).
- Parameters for keywords that trigger other keywords are nested as well. So you could for example make a "supersearch" keyword with a command field like "google $U$||wiki $U$||groups $U$" So typing "supersearch my bloody valentine" would open google, wikipedia and google groups with the search string "my bloody valentine". Note some computers might need a $W$ after each command which waits a second before the next command, because some browsers can get confused opening that many links in a split second and might open them in the same window if no $W$ parameter.
- Auto-completion and drop-down also have limited support for multiple commands and will auto-complete the input after the last '||'.
- The command/input separator can be customized should you prefer something else than || (see hidden settings).
"Programs" in drop-down/list
- If enabled (available in settings/drop-down type list) will dynamically add start-menu items, control panel items and some other handy items to list/drop-down. These are not keywords and will not be stored anywhere.
- Will match all words in an item. Example typing "fire" will match "windows firewall". This design decision was made because start-menu items (unlike keywords) are often prefixed with company name etc. Example: photoshop is "Adobe Photoshop", firefox is "Mozilla firefox", firewall "Windows firewall".
- "Programs" items are detected when Executor starts up, and refreshed when Executor gains focus (only if it's been more than 2 minutes since last refresh). Executor detects and refresh these items in a separate low priority background thread to avoid the Executor interface to appear sluggish (takes about 5sec on my computer).
- Executor tries to sort these items in a clever *cough* way.
- "Programs" is not depended on any Windows indexing service.
- If "Programs" is disabled it will not use any resources (like refreshing "programs" items on focus etc).
- There is a hidden setting to only detect items at start-up and not have Executor refresh items when gaining focus.
Special commands
- $P$ will in any keyword field (when editing the keyword) be replaced with the parameter part of the text input. Example input is "photoshop -nosplash" We have photoshop as a keyword and in any of the fields (command, parameter etc.) for the photoshop keyword $P$ will be replaced with "-nosplash". Using $P1$ $P2$ $P3$ etc. you can target individual parameters.
- $U$ Will do the same as $P$ but the parameter will be urlencoded. This is recommended if the parameter is for an url (example:$U$). Using $U1$ $U2$ $U3$ etc. you can target individual parameters.
- $W$ this will have Executor wait a second or more (example $W5$ for five seconds). For use when a keyword triggers multiple keywords/urls/filesystem/programs etc. In a keywords command field you can for example write "photoshop$W$||dream$W2$||ftp" This keyword will first launch photoshop then wait one second, then it will launch dreamweaver and wait two seconds, finally it will launch an ftp program. Each of these (photoshop,dream,ftp) are other keywords, but could also be urls or programs (like notepad.exe) or filepaths (c:\mynotes.txt) etc.
- $M$ this will minimize all (same as the windows "Show desktop"). For use for example if you want all minimized before the keyword triggers. In a keywords command field you can for example write "$M$c:\program files\adobe\photoshop.exe" This keyword will first minimize all windows on your desktop and then open photoshop.
- $R$ undo minimize all..
- $D$ will insert the drive letter from where Executor is running. This can be handy if you're running from for example an usb flash drive. Keyword command could be: $D$\tools\winhex\winhex.exe. The skin text field in settings also support $D$ for portability, so skin could be $D$\tools\executor\skins\medium_simpler.skn. Alternatively skin text field also support relative path from the Executor folder so it could be (skins\medium_simpler.skn).
- $H$ will insert the full home path of Executor.exe.
- $C$ will replace $C$ with the content of the clipboard (if content is text).
- || see above section "starting multiple..."
- All above commands can be used together.
- All the properties for a keyword also support environment variables %systemroot% %programfiles% %temp% %tmp% %windir% %homedrive% %homedrive%
Executor fixed input commands
Typing any of the following in the text input of Executor will do the following:- -s or -settings will open settings (Ctrl+S).
- -k or -keywords will open keywords editor (Ctrl+K).
- -a or -add will open add a keyword dialog. If given a parameter this will be used as keyword for the new keyword. Example "-a notes" (Ctrl+Alt+K).
- -v or -version will show Executor version info, handy for forums/feedback if you discovered a bug, have problems etc. Also look into "-report" command for submitting bugs.
- -q or -x or -quit will close down Executor.
- -n opens notes. supports parameter (example: -n remember milk).
- -edit will close down Executor and open it's ini file (executor.ini).
- -report will generate a report.txt file (next to executor.ini) containing useful information to track down bugs and problems for developer.
- -i or -import will open the windows start-menu importer.
- -ab or -about will show about screen.
- -folder or -f will open folder where appdata is located like executor.ini.
- -exefolder or -ef will open folder where the program file executor.exe is located.
Executor fixed commands for keywords
Typing any of the following in the "command" field of a keyword will do the following.. Please note that there are already default keywords that use these commands, most of these keywords starts with "?" for example "?shutdown". But you can rename them as you like.- $TIME$ - displays current time/day/date/week number. Default keyword is "time". You can customize the timeformat, look into "customtime" by clicking here
- $LOCK$ - locks the computer and or displays the windows switch user dialog. Default keyword is "?lock"
- $SHUTDOWN$ - will shutdown windows. Default keyword is "?shutdown"
- $RESTART$ - will restart windows. Default keyword is "?restart"
- $STANDBY$ - will put the computer in standby mode (no warning) if computer / windows version supports it). Default keyword is "?standby"
- $HIBERNATE$ - will hibernate the computer (no warning) if computer / windows version supports it). Default keyword is "?hibernate"
- $SCREENSAVER$ - will start the screensaver. Default keyword is "?screensaver"
- $MUTE$ - will mute and unmute windows master volume. Default keyword is "mute"
- $MONITOR$ - will turn off the monitor (note only if system/hardware support it). Default keyword is "?monitor"
- $APPS$ - will display a list of running applications. Default keyword is "apps"
- $RECENT$ - will display a recent documents (like in start-menu, but Executor will show more). Default keyword is "recent"
- $CLIPBOARD$ - Making a keyword with this tag as keyword command will list the text (and only text), that has been copied to clipboard while Executor has been running. Default keyword is "clipboard"
- $SHOWIP$ - will write your current local IP address, or a comma separated list if machine have more than one IP address. Default keyword is "ip"
- $SEARCH$ - will open windows standard search dialog. Default keyword is "search".
- $EMPTYRECYCLEBIN$ - Will empty recycle bin. Default keyword is "?emptyrecyclebin"
- $SAVECLIPBOARD$ - will open a save clipboard to file dialog (works with text and screenshots) "?saveclipboard".
- $SETPOS$ - This can set the position of Executor. Syntax is: keywordname x,y (Add a keyword with command $SETPOS$).
- $GROUPS$ - Creating a keyword with $GROUPS$ will list all groups when typing/launching the keyword. From the list you can then select a group and the group will be displayed. Ctrl+e in list/drop-down also works for groups (like selecting). Default keyword is "listgroups".
- $REFRESHINDEX$ - will force index to be rebuild. Default keyword is "refreshindex".
- $NEXT$, $PREV$, $PLAY$, $STOP$, $MEDIA$ - default keywords next, previous, play, stop, media. They will work with the default mediaplayer. To work with Winamp, enable the "Global hotkeys" option in Winamp.
- $WOPEN$, $WCLOSE$, $WMAXIMIZE$, $WMINIMIZE$, $WRESTORE$, $WRESIZE$, $WMAXWIDTH$, $WMAXHEIGHT$, $WCENTER$, $WADJUST$ - These manipulate the current active window. They are not default in Executor and can be imported from the file "windowkeywords.exc" The keywords in this file are: open, close, minimize, maximize, restore, resize, width, height, center, adjust.
- $WCENTER$ ("center" keyword). The optional parameter is the monitor number you would like to center the window on. Monitor numbers starts from 1 (meaning 1 is your primary one). Monitor numbers can be seen in your windows display settings.
- $CE$ - clipboard extended. This is useful with a keyword that has a hotkey assigned. This will copy marked text to clipboard and launch the marked text. If the marked text is not an url or filepath, it will launch the marked text to a default keyword as parameter, else it will launch the url or the filepath. The name of the default keyword can be modified in the inifile and is named "fastsearch".. It defaults to the keyword "google". So how is this useful ? Make a new keyword for example called "textlaunch", set it's command property to $CE$ and select a hotkey for the keyword. Now if you mark some text in a window somewhere (browser, email client etc) press the hotkey you assigned and the marked text will be copied to clipboard and launched. If you don't have a keyword named google, open the executor.ini and modify the value called fastsearch to your default internet search keyword.
- $CX$ - This works like $CE$ but will in case the clipboard text is not a url or filepath replace $CX$ with the clipboard text (where $CE$ opens a predefined keyword with clipboard text as parameter). Limitation is it only works in a keywords command field at the moment.
- $CC$ - Only handy for hotkey keywords. This is just like $C$ but will trigger a copy to clipboard event first (so you just have to mark the text and then trigger the hotkey).
- $GRABTOINPUT$ - If added to a keywords command this will grab the output and write it in Executors input. This requires that the command is a console application that outputs some text (like for example ipconfig.exe).
- $GRABTOLIST$, works like $GRABTOINPUT$ but will instead display the text and set focus in the list (multi-lined text). To dismiss the text from the list press esc (while the text has focus). Example try make a keyword with command c:\windows\system32\ipconfig.exe$GRABTOLIST$
- $GRABTOLISTNOFOCUS$ works likes $GRABTOLIST$ will display the result text in the list, but will maintain focus on input field.
- $CLR$ for keywords. If the keywords command or parameter field contains $CLR$ it will clear the input in Executor after the keyword is launched. This can be handy if you for example launch a keyword that has sensitive information. For example a password as parameter, and you don't want this to be visible the next time Executor gains focus (if you want to clear input for everything there is already a setting for this).
- $TEXTCLEAN$. This will strip any formatting etc from current text in clipboard (if any). Default keyword is "textclean"
- $TEXTCLEANPASTE$. This is only for hotkey fans, that can make a keyword with this tag and assign it a hotkey. This will both clean text like $TEXTCLEAN$, and will also paste the text.
- $SENDTEXT$ this will send text from the parameter of the keyword that contains the command $SENDTEXT$ to the current focused window. For example I could make a keyword called "signature" with command "$SENDTEXT$" and parameter "Martin Bresson{ENTER}Author of Executor". When triggering this keyword it will send this text to the current focused window. I could also assign a hotkey to the keyword so I wouldn't have to open Executor to activate the keyword. special keys are also supported, example new line is {ENTER} or {BR}. Other examples {TAB}, {F1}, {ESC}, {END}, {PGDN} etc. Also $TIME$, $SHOWIP$, $PASTE1$, $PASTE2$, $PASTE3$, $PASTE4$ is supported.
- $PASTE2$ that is probably most useful with hotkeys. $PASTE2$ will paste the previous text that was in the clipboard (not the current). So for example we can create a new keyword called "pasteprev" with command "$PASTE2$" and hotkey "CTRL+ALT+V". Pressing CTRL+ALT+V will then paste the previous text from your clipboard (in later versions you can import this keyword from the "extras.exc" keywords file located in the Executor program folder).
- $PASTE3$ and $PASTE4$, $PASTE1$.. Like $PASTE2$ but will return text number 3 and 4 from your clipboard history.
- $DATAFOLDER$ tag. Making a keyword with this as command opens the folder containing executor.ini etc.
- $NOTES$ - if added to a keywords command this will open notes (you can for example addd a hotkey for this). This sypport parameters, so if you make a keyword with $NOTES$ as command then when using the keyword and typing a parameter, the parameter will be added to notes.. Example if keyword is named notes "notes remember milk"
- $CLIPBOARDTONOTES$ - if added to a keywords command this will copy current text in clipboard to notes.
- $ALLCLIPBOARDTONOTES$ - if added to a keywords command this will copy all clipboard items that Executor have currently picked up to notes.
- $COPYTONOTES$ - if added to a keywords command this will trigger a text copy to clipboard (ctrl+c) and then copy this to notes. This is only useful if assigning a hotkey to the keyword as well. So you can highlight some text somewhere (like a browser), press the hotkey and then the highlighted text will be copied to notes.
- $CLEARCLIPBOARD$ - if added to a keywords command this will clear Executor's clipboard items.
- $ROLL$ rolls RPG like dice(s), example 3d6+5, $RANDOM$ returns a random number from 0-99 or from 0 to X, $FLIPCOIN$ flips a coin: heads or tails. Import the keyword file "extras.exc" located in Executor program folder in order to get the keywords associated with these commands.
- $GETMOUSEPOS$, $SETMOUSEPOS$, $MOUSECLICK$, $MOUSELEFTCLICK$, $MOUSERIGHTCLICK$, $GETMOUSEPOSCOLOR$ - The idea for these are you can for example after launching an application set the mouse to some specific screen location, automatically click some screen position (for example dismiss some annoying mandatory splashscreen). This can then be done by for example having one keyword call two keywords, one for launching and one for mouse minipulation (look in docs how to do this). I created some default keywords for this that can be imported from the "extras.exc" located in Executors program folder. The keywords are the following: "setmousepos" this will set the mouse position at a given x,y position on the screen(s). "getmousepos" get the current x,y position of the mouse cursor. "mouseclick" do a left mouse click at (x,y) screen position. "mouserightclick" do a right mouse click at (x,y) screen position. "getmouseposcolor" Get RGB color code at mouse cursor position (no param) or x,y position (I need this functionality at work sometimes...). Note: the x,y position is the x,y of the entire desktop, for example across mulitple monitors.
- $FLUSHUWP$ - will force a full reindexing of UWP Apps and write number of items found.
- $PASSWORD$ - will generate a password. Default is a password with a length of 16 characters and always contains atleast one number, one uppercase character, one lowercase character and one special character. It also supports two parameters, which are length and the parameter "no". "no" will specify that no special characters should be included. Example "password 20 no" will generate a password of 20 characters with no special characters.
Integrated calculator
- To use the integrated calculator start the text input with a number sign (#). Example #52*10+14
- Supports: + - * / ^ abs, sqrt, sqr, sin, cos, arctan, ln, log, exp, fak, pi, e, x
- To set x you have to start with "#x=[value] "
- Example: #5+5
- Example: #100000^(1/5)*cos(pi)
- Example: #(21*5)+(51/2)/2
- Example: #x=403 exp(cos(-2*Sqr(x) - 4*x+ 3))/(1/(x+0.01))
Keywords that might need a little explaining
- stopwatch - Parameters "start, stop" and no parameters will start (if not started) or show stopwatch time (if started).
- timer - Parameters "h:m:s or h:m or m, stop". If no parameters timer will display timeleft or syntax if not started. timer example: timer 10 (will make a timer with 10 minute countdown), Another example: timer 1:20:30 (will make a timer with countdown of 1hour 20min and 30sec). An optional timer text can be made as a last space seperated parameter. Example: timer 10 break is over.
- alarm - Parameters "h:m or h, stop". If no parameters alarm will show when the alarm is due, or syntax if not started. Alarm example: alarm 23:00 (will set an alarm for 23:00 same day, unless the current time is later than 23:00 then it will be the following day). Also supports am/pm. Another example: alarm 11pm. An optional alarm text can be made as a last space seperated parameter. Example: alarm 22:00 time to go home.
- note on above keywords: These will probably not expand much further as there are a lot of good software for this. It's just meant as a quick and simple help, if for example you're on a forign computer and in need of one of these functions. These are not saved when closing Executor.
Settings help
You can find a short description on all settings -> here <-.Executor file command line parameters
Executor.exe takes the following command line parameters.- -s will startup Executor silently (minimized) if autohide option is enabled.
- -safemode. should you somehow have trouble opening Executor this will start up Executor in a more safe state. Disabling indexing, any cache building/loading, forcing the don't resolve network paths setting, forcing no skin, no internet auto import, no startup keywords.
- -exit will close down any running Executor.
- filepath will open the keyword editor using the filepath for a new keyword.
- -wizard will force Executor to display the setup wizard on startup.
Hints & tips
- You can consider renaming for example "google" to "." so instead of typing "google epo-555" you can type ". epo-555".
- CTRL+R is a nice feature, for example want to find all .doc documents in history ? then type .doc and press CTRL+R.
- You can find a lot of hints and tips on the "Did you know ??" page.
- Executor have some hidden settings that didn't meet the harsh demands of the executive board to be included in the user interface (*cough*). They can be found -> by clicking here <-
Current limitations
- Limited unicode support. Although font script can be set to something else than "western" like cyrillic, hebrew etc. in settings / "Visual / skin" / Font button.
- Limited Win95/Win98 support, no alpha skin support, some system commands might not work, indexing might not work properly.
- Windows versions older than Windows 7 might have to get the 32bit 0.99.12b version available in the download section for best compatibility.
Random notes
- If a keyword/input/filepath etc. fails to open anything the input text will be colored red (or customized color).
- Skinned (background picture) medium type cannot be re-sized in width. Also they have limitations on font-size (due to background picture input box is fixed in height).
You can help! I'm not the best at writing documentation (programmers!=documentation), so if you have suggestions for what is missing or could be better described etc. Feel free to mail me.
Frequently asked questions
Q: I found a bug where should I report it ?
A: Please use the forum. Also there's a command "-report" that will generate a file you can submit, for better tracking down a bug.
- Q: How do I import keywords from the windows start-menu ? Can Executor scan these automatically?
A: Open the keywords editor and right-click the keywords list for a context pop-up menu. Typing -i in Executor will also open start-menu importer. Executor can now also scan these automatically without having to import these. Look in settings "Indexing & cache" "index start-menu and control panel". -
Q: I have enabled auto indexing but there are some Windows apps not being indexed.
A: Try download the the latest version Executor. From 1.0.3 Executor also supports scanning UWP Apps, if on Windows 10 (might work on earlier) and Executor is running same bit version as Operation system (Example: Windows 10 64bit and Executor 64bit). Certain user security settings might also be preventing the indexing. UWP Apps are Windows Store Apps that are tablet friendly and usually look like something made for children. In case the indexing of UWP Apps are not working there are workarounds. Please see this forum post for more info.
Q: There are some of the settings I find unclear.
A: You can find a short description on all settings here.
- Q: I want to fiddle with Executor's ini file but can't find it..
A: There's an Executor folder located under your users application data folder (on Win7+ "C:\users\[username]\AppData\roaming\Executor"). You can type -f in Executor in order to open the folder, or type -edit to open the executor.ini file directly. -
Q: Can I get a translation of Executor, or offer to help translating Executor ?
A: I believe everybody should have at least a second language, and English being the first common computer and internet language, English wins! (sorry). The world need to come together and not be seperated by language. I'm from Denmark myself, but have no problem with English and I would also still run Executor in English even if a Danish translation was available.
- Q: I want to run Executor off a portable drive..
A: The Executor folder (something like "c:\Program Files\Executor") can be freely copied anyway, Executor does not use the Windows registry. Also regarding portability see the question below this one, and also take a look at the $D$ parameter description on this page. - Q: I want to run Executor off a portable drive but it's ini file is
located under the current users app data (on Win7+
A: Executor will always look for executer.ini in it's own folder first (where executor.exe is located). So you should just copy (or create an empty) executor.ini file there and it will use this instead of the "...Application Data\Executor". Why use the "Application Data" folder anyway? Because Vista+ security/Microsoft really prefer this. -
Q: How do I create my own skin(s) ?
A: In the download section there is a guide to making skins.
- Q: I've set the option "Open urls maximized" but not all open
maximized ?
A: Urls that are opened by keywords (example the "google" keyword) have their own keyword setting how they should be opened ("Open as"). The "Open urls maximized" only affect urls enter directly in the text field.
- Q: How do I execute a standard filesystem path with parameters ?
A: Program path/name should be in double quotes. For example like this: "c:\windows\notepad.exe" c:\windows\win.ini
- Q: Does Executor only support western fonts ?
A:Font script can be set to something else than "western" like cyrillic, hebrew etc. in settings / "Visual / skin" / Font button.
- Q: I have trouble opening Executor
A:You can try run Executor with the parameter -safemode, more info on -safemode can be found above on this page.
- Q: I can't see/find the Executor window (after pressing Executor hotkey or opening Executor)
A:It could be Executor was positioned on a multi monitor setup that was then later disconnected. Try first press Executors hotkey or open Executor, and then press F11 (F11 will center Executor on the primary display).
- Q: What is the purpose of "Close program after each word" option ?
A: Well some people are very picky about programs taking up memory/resources. So by this you can for example make a shortcut to Executor and assign the shortcut with a hotkey. Then Executor will start-up when this is pressed and close down after command execution.
You can find more Executor tips here