Executor skin files

Following is a brief description of how to build executor skin files.

NOTE!: This guide only applies to the skintypes: mini, small, medium. If you want to make an alpha skin (alpha channel support) you should look at THIS skin guide.

Best way to learn is probably to modify the already existing ones. These are located in the "skins" folder in the executor folder. The .skn files are just text files.
Also here are some of the photoshop (7.0) files I used for some of the skins (made in a rush). The separated layers (input, background, icon) might be useful -[ download photoshop skin examples ]-

Property description Dropdown properties (if using dropdown instead of list)
Notes on properties

If you leave out a property in the skin file then the property will just remain the same as the users current settings. For example if you don't include fontname, fontsize, transactive, transinactive in your skin, then the font and transparency will remain the same as the users current settings.


Default skin image height is 36 pixels, if you want a greater height you can add paddingtop and/or paddingbottom. Padding top will push down the edit/dropdownbutton/icon, while paddingbottom will just add space beneath these.

note on paddingtop: default value 0, Executor already have a fixed top padding of 2 pixels (included in the 36 pixels), paddingtop will be added to this.
note on paddingbottom: default value 0, Executor already have a fixed bottom padding of 2 pixels (included in the 36 pixels), paddingbottom will be added to this.

Summery: imageheight = 36 + paddingtop + paddingbottom


The width of the image will be editwidth + 49 pixels (for dropdown-button, standard padding, icon). Additionally editleft will determine where the input should start from the left. editleft will be added to the total image width. Also paddingright will add additional spacing to the right of the icon and/or to the right of the dropdown-button if icon is disabled. paddingright will be added to the total imagewidth.

note on editleft: default value 4.. Any value will override the default value.
note on paddingright: default value 0, Executor already have a fixed right padding of 2 pixels (included in the 49 pixels), paddingright will be added to this.

Summery: imagewidth = editwidth + 49 + editleft + paddingright


Some skin properties are only loaded once (one time) when you initially press the "browse" button and select the skin. This allows the user to later change some colors and other settings they may dislike. But when testing the skin you can press CTRL+F5 to reload the entire skin or in settings you should click "browse" and reload the skin to make sure all skin properties are reloaded.

If any doubt, questions, or find this guide very incomplete, then please use the forums.
